Thursday 29 April 2010

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

We picked Pathe to be our production and distribution company and they are known for helping make a number of film successful including The Queen and films made by Danny Boyle such as Millions, Chicken Run and the popular Slumdog Millionaire. These films could all be called 'British' films because of the people involved with their films. This would also help Pursuer get into a British audeance.

We created our own production company called JD productions to produce the film and to aim at a British audience

Pathe would help fund our film is because without the help of a professional, long running company we would not be able to finish the production of pursuer. Without their help it would be almost impossible to create a noticeable distribution scheme to help get the film to the general public.

The titles have been shown on our two main characters to introduce them into the film so that the audience know who they are. It also gives a clean idea to the audience who is the typical 'Good' guy and 'Bad' guy.
We didn't include the director or editor because we thought that as new film producers our names wouldn't be the thing associated with the film. More likely people would focus on our production/distribution company and our actors.

A couple of films that you could compare to Pursuer is the beginning of the film Scream with the actor Skeet Ulrich. This is because of how our titles and filming was used. With our main character unaware of their danger and the Killer being in control.
Another film that could be compared to ours is some of the 'Saw' films. These films normally have a very slow and quite creepy beginning leaving the Audience not knowing what to think. We wanted to do this in our film so that the audience wasn't ready for the climax

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