Our preliminary task was very sloppy in how we filmed it, edited it and how it was placed on YouTube. I do agree that one of the shots, which was an arc, was done very badly and the camera wobbled about a lot. We didn't use as many different camera shots as we used in our final film. This is because we started experimenting with other camera shots when we had already finished our preliminary task.
On both occasions we used matches on action. They both happened when the person came through a door so that you could see the other side of the door. Both were very well edited together so that the cut seems non existent.
Also the use of the 180 degree rule in both films was very handy. It was our main focus in our preliminary task and so we knew how we could do it in our final film.
Using the editing software was quite hard to get used to but over time it got easyer. This was the main thing that we used to create our final film and our preliminary task. Using it for our preliminary task was hard seeing that we havent used it before but for our final film we knew what we were doing and could edit it better than our preliminary task.
Overall i think that we have done very well as a group for making Pursuer. I think we learnt a lot from our preliminary task and was able to apply some of this to our final film which was much better.