Friday, 30 April 2010

Looking back at your preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

Our preliminary task was very sloppy in how we filmed it, edited it and how it was placed on YouTube. I do agree that one of the shots, which was an arc, was done very badly and the camera wobbled about a lot. We didn't use as many different camera shots as we used in our final film. This is because we started experimenting with other camera shots when we had already finished our preliminary task.

On both occasions we used matches on action. They both happened when the person came through a door so that you could see the other side of the door. Both were very well edited together so that the cut seems non existent.
Also the use of the 180 degree rule in both films was very handy. It was our main focus in our preliminary task and so we knew how we could do it in our final film.

Using the editing software was quite hard to get used to but over time it got easyer. This was the main thing that we used to create our final film and our preliminary task. Using it for our preliminary task was hard seeing that we havent used it before but for our final film we knew what we were doing and could edit it better than our preliminary task.

Overall i think that we have done very well as a group for making Pursuer. I think we learnt a lot from our preliminary task and was able to apply some of this to our final film which was much better.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

A camera (Canon MD255) - The camera we used was very nice and we could easily take the media from the tape to the computer in order to start on the next step which was editing.

• A tripod (Jessops TP327) - The tripod was very useful so that we could do the tilted, low angle and high angle shots. Without the tripod this would have looked not as proffessional.

• A microphone - This was used to keep out any of the backround sounds that we didnt want in the scene. Unfortunatly we had some problems with it when we tryed to film and somtimes the end of the microphone would get in the shot. Other than this the microphone was a very handy tool.

• Adobe Premiere Element 7.0 – Part of the Adobe CS4 package. We used this to edit the clips together, cut out unnecessary footage, add sound/sound effects, and complete our final film. This was a very useful thing to use when editing our film and putting in sound ect. It was very easy to use and made editing simple.

• Windows Movie Maker was used to help create the Pursuer title, to enable it to flash up letter by letter.

• Paint and Microsoft Office Picture Manager was used for editing and pasting pictures together.

• Free Play Music ( is where we found the music for Pursuer; we used this as it is non-copyright and worked very well with our final edited film.

• We used YouTube ( for inspiration and to get an idea of what other films were out there and to help give us an idea of our target audience, our Pathé clip was also found here. We were allowed to use this in out film as it is such a short clip and it does not break the Copyright Protection act.

• Blogger ( was used as our main area whereby we could upload our research and planning, videos, trailers evaluations and anything else related to our AS Media Studies course

How did you attract/address your audiance?

To attract the audience that we wanted we used a lot of different styles of filming and editing. Firstly we had Pathe films. They were our production and distribution company and they can bring in a audience that appeals to people who have a good idea of the quality of pathe films.

At the beginning we used a certain font and style that are used in other horror/thriller films that we have seen. The classic red black and white are connetating blood on skin. Also the way the title comes up on screen letter by letter which starts building tension.

We then starting using the correct camera shots and angles like over the shoulder shots, mid shots, close ups, tilt shots and of course POV shots. These are all used to crate the right atmosphere that we needed to make the film more believable.

We used music and sound to our advantange having the non diagetic sound building tension in the scene and diagetic sound in the scene to make the movie more believable which incuded car sounds and mabye rain droping on the floor. Especially when Paul enters his house the music changes and gets slower but it doesnt give away the danger that could still be comming.

We used props in our films like knifes for our killer and a bag and computer for our collage student. This easily gives the audience a clear views of who is the good person and who is the bad person in the scene.
Then adding the correct clothing for both actors so that they fitted their characters roles in the film gave a very authentic look.

Our unique selling point of our film is the storyline, which is very different and eye catching. To the right audiance, who like horror/thriller films, this would be a perfect thing for them to see.

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Vitor Rato is a 17 year old guy from Leatherhead. He enjoys listening to rap and hip hop music and has a keen interest in sports such as football, tennis and rugby.

He liked watching Pursuer because he enjoys watching films like Scream. He also likes the comedy, action and thriller genres. He likes films like Mall Cop, Scary Movie and Kick Ass which come under the comedy genre.

He also likes watching Tv programmes and dramas including Supernatural, Skins and Shameless. These are all very good examples of Teen drama and show what Vitor likes.

He watched our film with quite anticipation as he told us that the film was very good at building tention while not giving away too much about the film. He liked the ending of our film and how it left you on the edge of your seat. This, he said, was what made him think that he wanted to know what happened next to Paul.

Thursday, 29 April 2010

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

We picked Pathe to be our production and distribution company and they are known for helping make a number of film successful including The Queen and films made by Danny Boyle such as Millions, Chicken Run and the popular Slumdog Millionaire. These films could all be called 'British' films because of the people involved with their films. This would also help Pursuer get into a British audeance.

We created our own production company called JD productions to produce the film and to aim at a British audience

Pathe would help fund our film is because without the help of a professional, long running company we would not be able to finish the production of pursuer. Without their help it would be almost impossible to create a noticeable distribution scheme to help get the film to the general public.

The titles have been shown on our two main characters to introduce them into the film so that the audience know who they are. It also gives a clean idea to the audience who is the typical 'Good' guy and 'Bad' guy.
We didn't include the director or editor because we thought that as new film producers our names wouldn't be the thing associated with the film. More likely people would focus on our production/distribution company and our actors.

A couple of films that you could compare to Pursuer is the beginning of the film Scream with the actor Skeet Ulrich. This is because of how our titles and filming was used. With our main character unaware of their danger and the Killer being in control.
Another film that could be compared to ours is some of the 'Saw' films. These films normally have a very slow and quite creepy beginning leaving the Audience not knowing what to think. We wanted to do this in our film so that the audience wasn't ready for the climax